Monday, 29 August 2011

Algernon Cadwallader - Parrot Flies

There's a couple of amazing things to do with this record. One is the LP itself. Two is the fact that it turned up. Everyone's favourite Kinsella-alikes Algernon Cadwallader's new album Parrot Flies is hands down wonderful. Noodly, twinkly 90's style emo at it's beautiful best, it puts me in an instant good mood and is the soundtrack to every sunny day I'll ever have. Gay enough for you? Good.


Brilliant arts & crafts front cover of a parrot, put together by vocalist Peter Helmis.


Pressed on a transparent blue, 200 of these made. This LP was leaked on the Internet (allegedly by the band) forever ago and i've played it a load, so it was good to be able to buy it on a pretty cool colour and limited run. I'm sure if you know where to look, the guilt free mp3's are still out there.


This was put out for us Europeans on a UK label, Big Scary Monsters. Bad experiences with this label in the past caused me to hate myself for ordering this from them when the pre-order went up, but they had me by the balls. So to speak. But lo and behold, it turned up ahead of when I expected it, and without a single complaint required. And without a bent sleeve, like the last record they sent me. Like I said, amazing.

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